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UF/IFAS Office of the Senior Vice President

UF/IFAS Office of the Senior Vice President

IFAS Financial Administration

  • People

Pardon our mess. The website is undergoing some changes.


  • Coordinate development and implementation of legislative and operating budgets
  • Monitor use of state general revenue, SHARE, and federal formula funds
  • Disbursement of indirect cost return funds
  • Management of faculty and staff salary funds
  • Institutional research resource for the vice president and deans

Additionally, IFAS Financial Administration provides leadership and support to all units of the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences in fiscal matters. We assist department and center personnel with the management of their accounts, including state appropriations, federal funds, grants and contracts, SHARE funds, and other funding sources. While each of us in IFAS Financial Administration has an area of specialization, we are able and eager to assist anyone on any University and UF/IFAS financial matter.

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Duties and Responsibilities

Belinda Scurlock

Assistant Director of Finance
Belinda is responsible for the management of federal formula funds for Research & Extension, as well as the preparation of the Extension Federal Financial reports for NIFA. She prepares financial statements for the Research & Extension Incidental Funds for the University of Florida. Belinda also assists departments in managing their funds, correcting negative balances, budget exceptions, and budget transfers as needed. Belinda is responsible for the distribution of returned overhead to the IFAS units, Deans, Departments, PIs and Centers. She is also responsible for deposits to the accounting system from the IFAS Research & Education Centers. She prepares the IFAS monthly sales tax report, processes federal cash draws and completes the quarterly FFR Accounts receivables report for the University of Florida.

Palvi Sharma

Accountant III – State Appropriations 
Palvi’s main responsibilities include the management of faculty salaries, distributions, and raises. She also maintains the IFAS database on staff rate, and assists units in the management of that rate. Palvii is also responsible for the execution of IFAS’ Faculty Supplemental Salary Program, Chartfield Liaison for IFAS, FCMP program, various reports as needed by the Deans, Director or Vice President, and assists departments with best management practices, financial questions and system problems.

Lisa DuVall

Finance Manager
Lisa is responsible for the overall Effort Reporting for IFAS. Effort includes assisting departments with completing Academic Activity Reporting (AAR), Faculty Assignment Reports (FAR) and completing the Effort certification process. She is also the liaison between IFAS departments and Contract & Grants in managing sponsored project commitments as related to effort reporting. Lisa also provides support services to the Budget and Accounting Coordinators. She also assists various offices in McCarty with fiscal management, including International Programs, CALS Dean’s Office, IFAS Communications Services and the Office of Development.


IFAS Financial Administration
1011 McCarty Hall D
PO Box 110280
Gainesville, FL 32611
(352) 294-2269
(352)392-3425 (fax)